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Privacy Policy

At Chris Mellor Insurance Brokers Ltd. we believe that our values of honesty and professionalism are reflected by our commitment to protect our customers and their personal information. As brokers, we need to have sufficient information in order to provide accurate insurance quotations and renewals and eventually signed documents and banking information to put your insurance into place.

To this end we require basic information such as your name, address, telephone and fax numbers, email address, birth date and marital status. Your claims history is needed along with details of driver’s records for all household members for auto insurance, medical information, past payment records, values for personal or business property and construction information and occupancy of your buildings in order to obtain quotations. We may obtain this from you, other insurance companies, brokers and agents, credit organizations, medical professionals, financial institutions and motor vehicle and driver licensing authorities.

This information may be disclosed to insurance companies, agents or brokers, other insurance professionals, credit and financial institutions (e.g. your mortgage company).

Your information is safeguarded by our staff and is used strictly for the necessary purposes we have discussed. We safeguard your information to the best of our abilities and your personal information is never sold or passed on or discussed except for the stated purpose that your implied or express consent dictates.

Our policy is to only speak to the named insured regarding the insurance contract and to this end we ask that you do not allow friends or family members to call us to discuss changes to your insurance. In order to deal with anyone but the named insured, we must send you a form to be signed and returned allowing us to deal with any one named. To request a brochure regarding our policy or to speak to the privacy officer, please call, write or email our office. Since Chris F. Mellor founded our firm in 1957, we have carried on his tradition of personalized service.  We are a family business that always advocates for our clients and provides exceptional insurance advice.

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